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* MLO sharing per state statute

This Mill Levy Override will be used to:

  • Support the district’s commitment to retain and recruit the best and brightest teachers and staff. The funds will ensure the district is able to be competitive in compensation and benefits for teachers and staff. 

  • Enhance the safety and security for schools and classrooms by funding training, counseling, and programs for staff, students and community related to school safety. 

  • Provide critical support services including mental health counseling and intervention specialists. These improve student safety by increasing opportunities for mental health services such as suicide prevention and substance abuse counseling. 

  • Maintain programs including art, music, technology, and physical education supporting vibrant learning experiences, core skills and language development; improving academic performance opportunities for students.

Pie Chart of school spending

This Bond measure will be used to:

  • Construct employee housing to retain and attract teachers and staff. Providing access to affordable housing will help ECSD retain current employees and recruit new teachers and staff to work for the school district and live in our community. 

  • Improve school safety and security of schools and classroom environments.

  • Expand early childhood education and care services by building an early learning center in Gypsum and expanding capacity at the Edwards Early Learning Center. Research among district employees and community members shows that there are critical needs for expanding childcare and early learning opportunities for our children. According to the CDC, early childhood education and quality care can counteract the disadvantages some children experience, improve their social and cognitive development, and provide them with an opportunity to achieve school readiness and later success in school.

  • Replace, update, or repair roofs, HVAC, playgrounds, gyms, locker rooms, and athletic facilities improving learning environments and extending the useful life of existing facilities. 

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